Supporting Systems

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I am so excited to be facilitating this monthly online free ECL global conversation exploring topics in systemic education. Please join me and share your wisdom and lets explore.

This month’s topic is:

How making peace with your own mother and father will make you a better teacher. The surprising key to a more harmonious classroom.

13 August 2020
Time: 10:30 NY / 15:30 UK / 16:30 SA and CET
Free Registration

Just use the link below.

What we will take about:

Confusion and imbalance occurs in a classroom when a teacher is not at peace with their own mother and/or father. Systemically, this manifests as educators developing a "substitute parent" relationship with their students. This causes conflict with the parent, feels draining to the teacher and throws off coherence and balance in the classroom. Neither students, nor teachers, nor parents benefit from this "substitution".

The best teacher-student relationship is one in which the teacher is in a partnership with the parent. Systemically, the child needs to stand in front of their parent and the teacher needs to stand on the side supporting the parent. Ideally, the parent supports the teacher when they are in the classroom.
In this presentation we will:

  • Discuss how a teacher's relationship with their own mother and father impacts their relationship with their students.

  • Demonstrate teachers finding their right place - without becoming a substitute parent.

  • Experience a constellation exercise in order to start resourcing maternal and paternal ancestors. This will support balance in the classroom and the flow of love.

  • Google Jam exercise to share our exploration.

  • Find out how educators can join a safe and supportive community with Educator’s Circles.

You can email me with any questions at

See you there,

MS Counseling- Founder Supporting Systems