Supporting Systems

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Do You Want to Know How to Transform Being Reactive to Being Response-able?

As educators/facilitators how do we develop presence in action?  How can we cultivate our ability to witness and interact with what we perceive in order to provide the best creative and learning environment for our work/students?

Join us for this unique online workshop to explore the question: What becomes present? What are the hidden dynamics that become present to us when we’re alone, with others, and with the larger community/classrooms we interact with each day?

Alison Fornes and Linda Baker will facilitate an online workshop that includes a relaxation exercise and a structured, systemic constellation exercise to explore presence in these three dimensions. We will then discuss supportive approaches for working with what arises and how do we use that insight to inform our teaching/working?  

Trauma-informed mindfulness practices must be able to hold space for these hidden dynamics. There are subtle, often hidden dynamics that become present to us emotionally or through our felt sense, but might not make sense to our mind.

Through this awareness, we become truly response-able - able to choose how to respond to the moment as it arises. Please join us for a breathing space and to explore.


We are so excited to be offering an online experiential workshop. We realize that time and money is in short supply and stress and frustration can be high at this time of year so this is a breathing space to relax, explore and gain insight in a new and exciting way.

This workshop can be experienced from the comfort of your own home or office in a great online interactive format called Zoom for the ticket price of $10. You will be able to try out the exercises and interact with others.

Facilitated by: Linda Vishala Baker, founder of Supporting Systems; and Alison Fornés, author of the upcoming book The Knowing (R)Evolution