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Monthly Teacher’s Circle
Monthly calls on Oct 16, Nov 13, Dec 11, Jan 8, Feb 12, Mar 11, Apr 8, May 13, & Jun 10
*Meeting times can be adjusted to participant’s needs. 

$20 for one
$180 for the series


Over the 10-month call series, we will:

  • Build a foundation of healthy support for your students. 

    • Right relationship with parents is a subtle but foundational dynamic between you and your student. When the parent-teacher relationship is out of order, teachers become more easily burned out, and students have more behavior problems. Learn how to activate a supportive partnership - even with difficult parents.

  • Transform burnout through connection and presence. 

    • You probably don’t need burnout defined, but here it is: a work-related syndrome involving emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and a sense of reduced personal accomplishment.* We acknowledge that most of the contributing factors are systemic, not personal. However, the practices we share will not only empower you and reduce burnout, but they have the capacity to bring more joy and wonder to every aspect of your life. 

  • Access a “new level of thinking” to find innovative solutions.

    • Einstein has been quoted as saying, “a problem cannot be solved at the same level of thinking that created it”. Our Systemic Coaching will teach you a new way of seeing yourself and your relational systems. Participants will experience a real expansion in their ability to perceive hidden relationship dynamics, and the ability to respond more effectively to complex problems. 

Take a look at Supporting Systems practice in action


Teachers CIrcle


In the classroom




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North American Constellation Conference Presentation- October 2017   Presented at the North American Constellation Conference.  The workshop focused on how one could use a systemic lens with adults and students in schools. We used the Teacher Circle format. During this time we played with breathing, bubbles, and used experiential exercises to display a systemic picture of how we belong in a larger group. Combining different artistic mediums and constellation methods we created a collage of how we are connected. Afterwards time was given for reflection and insights.  Slides that exemplified how  these methods were used at Conte West Hills school, an inner city magnet school in New Haven, CT were shared.

District K-8 Guidance Counselor Workshop - New Haven, CT. - 2017

Led ECL professional development workshop whose goal was an introduction to ECL to all New Haven School district K-8 guidance counselors. Use of whole group exercise and then sharing through power point illustrations use of tools and the history of activation at a k-8 school.

Supporting Systems Workshops: Conte West Hills Magnet School - New Haven, CT. - 2014-2018

Created and ran several professional development ECL workshops as well as short exercises during staff meetings.  Led ongoing monthly Teachers Circle workshops. Focus was on creating community and a sense of belonging, learning about place in their family as well as the school, exchange and time/history. Stilling and breathing exercises, guided imagery, short constellation exercises, and whole group exercise and art extensions were utilized.

Series of Neohumanist Education Workshops - 2015

What Neohumanist Education is-

Neohumanist Education (NHE) is firmly rooted in the philosophy and principles of Neohumanism, which stands for "the practice of love for all creation including plants, animals, and the inanimate world" as propounded by the Indian philosopher Shrii P.R. Sarkar (from the Neohumanist Education Website). A world wide network of schools has developed that have used Neohumanism as a guiding educational principle.

International Neohumanistic Conference - Asheville, N. C. - 2015

Facilitated a three hour long group ECL workshop with education teachers and school leaders from around the globe. Meditation exercise along with a whole group exercise was used as well as demonstration of whole school activation and implementation in the classroom through powerpoint and small group and dyad discussion. Ran two small group follow up sessions that modeled "Teachers Circle" to teachers and school leaders. 

ECL Workshop: Progressive School of Long Island -Merrick, N.Y. - 2015

Facilitated a whole day ECL workshop, which included whole group exercises as well as several small group demonstrations and practical ECL teacher tools. The workshop was developed to meet the needs of the whole k-8 staff.

ECL Workshop: Romanian Neohumanist Teachers - Romania -2015

Led Skype morning workshop on ECL providing teacher tools to staff at a Neohumanist school in Romania.



Let us know you are interested on our Stay Connected page

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Make a Donation

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October 2017

This is an example testimonial. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec vestibulum augue. Sed purus felis, sollicitudin vel arcu sit amet.

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Septemer 2017

This is an example testimonial. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec vestibulum augue. Sed purus felis, sollicitudin vel arcu sit amet.

Quote Source / Read Full Article



August 2017

This is an example testimonial. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec vestibulum augue. Sed purus felis, sollicitudin vel arcu sit amet.

Quote Source / Read Full Article



July 2017

This is an example testimonial. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec vestibulum augue. Sed purus felis, sollicitudin vel arcu sit amet.

Quote Source / Read Full Article



June 2017

This is an example testimonial. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec vestibulum augue. Sed purus felis, sollicitudin vel arcu sit amet.

Quote Source / Read Full Article



May 2017

This is an example testimonial. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec vestibulum augue. Sed purus felis, sollicitudin vel arcu sit amet.

Quote Source / Read Full Article



Use this page to list volunteer opportunities and current job openings. Donec ultrices ex ut ante consectetur, sed varius libero pharetra. Aenean consequat orci metus, in tempus erat venenatis sed. Donec ut est et tortor rhoncus aliquet. Nulla sollicitudin, sapien quis malesuada semper, felis lectus eleifend ipsum, ultrices hendrerit turpis lorem sit amet nunc. Aenean facilisis leo sapien, eget congue justo sollicitudin at. Morbi a elit at mi pulvinar vulputate. Etiam bibendum sed lorem ut mollis.


Our Partners


Partner 1

Here is a description of a partner organization. Integer euismod, lorem sed molestie gravida, justo mauris dignissim orci, sed convallis elit at justo. Donec feugiat justo vitae mollis pretium.


Partner 2

Here is a description of a partner organization. Integer euismod, lorem sed molestie gravida, justo mauris dignissim orci, sed convallis elit at justo. Donec feugiat justo vitae mollis pretium.


Partner 3

Here is a description of a partner organization. Integer euismod, lorem sed molestie gravida, justo mauris dignissim orci, sed convallis elit at justo. Donec feugiat justo vitae mollis pretium.


Partner 4

Here is a description of a partner organization. Integer euismod, lorem sed molestie gravida, justo mauris dignissim orci, sed convallis elit at justo. Donec feugiat justo vitae mollis pretium.



Partner 5

Here is a description of a partner organization. Integer euismod, lorem sed molestie gravida, justo mauris dignissim orci, sed convallis elit at justo. Donec feugiat justo vitae mollis pretium.


Partner 6

Here is a description of a partner organization. Integer euismod, lorem sed molestie gravida, justo mauris dignissim orci, sed convallis elit at justo. Donec feugiat justo vitae mollis pretium.


Partner 7

Here is a description of a partner organization. Integer euismod, lorem sed molestie gravida, justo mauris dignissim orci, sed convallis elit at justo. Donec feugiat justo vitae mollis pretium.


Partner 8

Here is a description of a partner organization. Integer euismod, lorem sed molestie gravida, justo mauris dignissim orci, sed convallis elit at justo. Donec feugiat justo vitae mollis pretium.


Contact Us

Here is a description of how to contact us. Nam nunc tortor, arcu quis luctus in nisi sit amet, tincidunt arcu quis malesuada elit. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus pellentesque arcu quis sapien mollis pharetra.

123 Demo Street
Manhattan, NY 12345

(555) 555-5555


Condensed Resume 


Southern Connecticut State University New Haven, CT - Masters in Counseling

Boston University Boston, MA - Bachelors in Science, Education

Professional Experience

Supporting Systems Founder/Catalyst, New Haven, CT - 2014 to present 

Conte West Hills Magnet School, New Haven, CT - 1984 to 2017

Student Support Facilitator - 2014 to 2017 

School Counselor - 1996 to 2017

Teacher - 1984 to 1996 

Abiyoyo Daycare Parent Cooperative Preschool Coordinator, New Haven, CT - 1981 to 1984



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Our Programs


Example Program 1

Here is a description of your program. Quam tempus quis. Nullam luctus elit quis blandit elementum. Nulla quis nisi nec dolor facilisis cursus. Donec dictum et orci ac varius. Nam sed arcu ligula. Suspendisse at purus ut velit gravida malesuada eu a ipsum. Quisque eget nisl fringilla, lacinia lorem id, malesuada ante. Sed dignissim diam a quam ultrices sodales. Suspendisse consectetur velit purus, eget lobortis erat varius sed.

Donec ultrices ex ut ante consectetur, sed varius libero pharetra. Aenean consequat orci metus, in tempus erat venenatis sed. Donec ut est et tortor rhoncus aliquet. Nulla sollicitudin, sapien quis malesuada semper, felis lectus eleifend ipsum, ultrices hendrerit turpis lorem sit amet nunc. Aenean facilisis leo sapien, eget congue justo sollicitudin at. Morbi a elit at mi pulvinar vulputate. Etiam bibendum sed lorem ut mollis.


Monday – Saturday
Morning, Afternoon or Evening


123 Demo Street
Manhattan, NY 12345


Example Program 2

Here is a description of your program. Quam tempus quis. Nullam luctus elit quis blandit elementum. Nulla quis nisi nec dolor facilisis cursus. Donec dictum et orci ac varius. Nam sed arcu ligula. Suspendisse at purus ut velit gravida malesuada eu a ipsum. Quisque eget nisl fringilla, lacinia lorem id, malesuada ante. Sed dignissim diam a quam ultrices sodales. Suspendisse consectetur velit purus, eget lobortis erat varius sed.

Donec ultrices ex ut ante consectetur, sed varius libero pharetra. Aenean consequat orci metus, in tempus erat venenatis sed. Donec ut est et tortor rhoncus aliquet. Nulla sollicitudin, sapien quis malesuada semper, felis lectus eleifend ipsum, ultrices hendrerit turpis lorem sit amet nunc. Aenean facilisis leo sapien, eget congue justo sollicitudin at. Morbi a elit at mi pulvinar vulputate. Etiam bibendum sed lorem ut mollis.


Monday – Saturday
Morning, Afternoon or Evening


123 Demo Street
Manhattan, NY 12345


Example Program 3

Here is a description of your program.  quam tempus quis. Nullam luctus elit quis blandit elementum. Nulla quis nisi nec dolor facilisis cursus. Donec dictum et orci ac varius. Nam sed arcu ligula. Suspendisse at purus ut velit gravida malesuada eu a ipsum. Quisque eget nisl fringilla, lacinia lorem id, malesuada ante. Sed dignissim diam a quam ultrices sodales. Suspendisse consectetur velit purus, eget lobortis erat varius sed.

Donec ultrices ex ut ante consectetur, sed varius libero pharetra. Aenean consequat orci metus, in tempus erat venenatis sed. Donec ut est et tortor rhoncus aliquet. Nulla sollicitudin, sapien quis malesuada semper, felis lectus eleifend ipsum, ultrices hendrerit turpis lorem sit amet nunc. Aenean facilisis leo sapien, eget congue justo sollicitudin at. Morbi a elit at mi pulvinar vulputate. Etiam bibendum sed lorem ut mollis.


Monday – Saturday
Morning, Afternoon or Evening


123 Demo Street
Manhattan, NY 12345


Example Program 4

Here is a description of your program. Quam tempus quis. Nullam luctus elit quis blandit elementum. Nulla quis nisi nec dolor facilisis cursus. Donec dictum et orci ac varius. Nam sed arcu ligula. Suspendisse at purus ut velit gravida malesuada eu a ipsum. Quisque eget nisl fringilla, lacinia lorem id, malesuada ante. Sed dignissim diam a quam ultrices sodales. Suspendisse consectetur velit purus, eget lobortis erat varius sed.

Donec ultrices ex ut ante consectetur, sed varius libero pharetra. Aenean consequat orci metus, in tempus erat venenatis sed. Donec ut est et tortor rhoncus aliquet. Nulla sollicitudin, sapien quis malesuada semper, felis lectus eleifend ipsum, ultrices hendrerit turpis lorem sit amet nunc. Aenean facilisis leo sapien, eget congue justo sollicitudin at. Morbi a elit at mi pulvinar vulputate. Etiam bibendum sed lorem ut mollis.


Monday – Saturday
Morning, Afternoon or Evening


123 Demo Street
Manhattan, NY 12345


Example Program 5

Here is a description of your program. Quam tempus quis. Nullam luctus elit quis blandit elementum. Nulla quis nisi nec dolor facilisis cursus. Donec dictum et orci ac varius. Nam sed arcu ligula. Suspendisse at purus ut velit gravida malesuada eu a ipsum. Quisque eget nisl fringilla, lacinia lorem id, malesuada ante. Sed dignissim diam a quam ultrices sodales. Suspendisse consectetur velit purus, eget lobortis erat varius sed.

Donec ultrices ex ut ante consectetur, sed varius libero pharetra. Aenean consequat orci metus, in tempus erat venenatis sed. Donec ut est et tortor rhoncus aliquet. Nulla sollicitudin, sapien quis malesuada semper, felis lectus eleifend ipsum, ultrices hendrerit turpis lorem sit amet nunc. Aenean facilisis leo sapien, eget congue justo sollicitudin at. Morbi a elit at mi pulvinar vulputate. Etiam bibendum sed lorem ut mollis.


Monday – Saturday
Morning, Afternoon or Evening


123 Demo Street
Manhattan, NY 12345


Example Program 6

Here is a description of your program. Quam tempus quis. Nullam luctus elit quis blandit elementum. Nulla quis nisi nec dolor facilisis cursus. Donec dictum et orci ac varius. Nam sed arcu ligula. Suspendisse at purus ut velit gravida malesuada eu a ipsum. Quisque eget nisl fringilla, lacinia lorem id, malesuada ante. Sed dignissim diam a quam ultrices sodales. Suspendisse consectetur velit purus, eget lobortis erat varius sed.

Donec ultrices ex ut ante consectetur, sed varius libero pharetra. Aenean consequat orci metus, in tempus erat venenatis sed. Donec ut est et tortor rhoncus aliquet. Nulla sollicitudin, sapien quis malesuada semper, felis lectus eleifend ipsum, ultrices hendrerit turpis lorem sit amet nunc. Aenean facilisis leo sapien, eget congue justo sollicitudin at. Morbi a elit at mi pulvinar vulputate. Etiam bibendum sed lorem ut mollis.


Monday – Saturday
Morning, Afternoon or Evening


123 Demo Street
Manhattan, NY 12345

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How can you create a school environment that helps students navigate a world where academic achievement and their ability to emotionally self-regulate can collide?  How can you help them reduce stress, increase well being, creativity and learning?


What do we do?







Supporting Systems supports the well-being of all school stakeholders and catalyzes creativity and learning to help students flourish. Teachers gain classroom tools and a new systemic lens to use when building a learning community in which each child feels they belong and can succeed. Viewing students, families, teachers and administrators as an interconnected ecosystem through this lens allows new resources and learning initiatives to grow.   


What Teachers are Saying About Us:


The ECL teacher workshops have helped me to create a learning environment in which students can feel a sense of belonging in order to take risks and succeed.

Kara, Conte West Hills Magnet School

Want to Keep up with what we are doing?

check out our Blog

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free introductory offer

Check out our Services page to find out about exclusive free presentations and mini workshops

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Teachers Circle Activations 

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Supporting Systems will come to your school and facilitate our Teachers Circle for your staff. This includes:

  • Breathing, stretching, relaxation, stilling and simple guided imagery exercises
  • Systemic experiential exercises that reflect the four ECL concepts including belonging, exchange, place and time
  • Creative activities which provide a take-away visual representation of the Teachers Circle
  • Co-creative classroom connections


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See a Teachers Circle in Action 


What Teachers are Saying About Us:

Not only was ECL a therapy session for me, but it taught me simple and meaningful activities to use with my students to help build and enhance our understanding of emotional intelligence. After meeting with this group, my day always went well, and I felt that I had been heard and acknowledged, which is something educators don't always get to feel on a daily basis.


Alexandra, Conte West Hills Magnet School


Free Introductory Teachers Circle Offer

45 Minute Mini Workshop*

  • Introduction to ECL (Emotional Well-being Creativity and Learning) 
  • Experiential Teachers Circle mini workshop

*These offerings are currently only available within an hour of the greater New Haven, CT area. For interested parties outside of this area, we are available through video consultations.


For more information on our various packages, including frequency, prices and sample activities, please fill out this form:


Whole School Activations

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These activations range from half- or whole-day introductions to a comprehensive school plan that could include:

  • Leadership training and consultation
  • School mental health team training and coaching
  • Whole school professional development
  • Teachers Circle sessions
  • Parents Circle sessions
  • Individual teacher coaching and classroom model lessons
  • Peer mentorship program training and coaching

Check out a Whole School Activation via our In the Classroom and Workshops pages



Introductory Free Offer

30 Minute Presentation

  • Introduction to ECL (Emotional Well-being Creativity and Learning)
  • Overview of Supporting Systems offerings

*These offerings are currently only available within an hour of the greater New Haven, CT area. For interested parties outside of this area, we are available through video consultations.


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Counseling and Leadership Training 


These workshops and training series can be developed for school/district leadership groups, school counseling/mental health teams or district mental health teams. The focus is on how to develop one's own systemic lens and then how to use that lens to catalyze creativity and learning within one's self and others. 

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Professional Development Workshops

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These workshops and training series can be tailored to meet the needs of your group. They range from half- to whole-day introductions to a series of workshops.


Let us know you are interested on our Stay Connected page

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