Visit to AMURTEL Women's Center in Athens, Greece

AMURTAL Athens Greece

I went with a team to visit the AMURTEL refugee women's project in Athens, Greece. The project is composed of a dynamic group of women who support healthy pre and postnatal care and early supplemental nutrition for refugee mothers. Many of these mothers have endured incredible hardships and dangerous journeys to bring their families to safety. We spent a week visiting the center and meeting with staff and program leadership. I spent a portion of my time with the children and their mothers at the center. In one instance I was also able to model a consultation with a mother and her distressed child.  Afterwards, I discussed with the director different ways her staff could use the techniques I displayed. I found this experience to be inspiring and amazing. The team at the AMURTEL project in Athens are naturally talented and incredibly hard working.  It would be an honor to go back and provide additional support to the staff and young mothers. For more information please visit -

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